Thursday, April 29, 2010

I am Young

I say this is the best song that fits their situation right now. I love them both to death, but its so depressing how they cant find the time to love each other. Its sad to see these kind of people with nothing to do, forgotten by their families, only left with a cigarette or a forgotten photo of yesteryear to past time.

" Make no mistake your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. All those negotiations and arguments and secrets, the compromises. The slower we move the faster we die. "

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I think the ancient Greeks, I believe, were smart because they idolized imperfections, rather than perfection. Because imperfection is easy to find in life..
but perfection is merely impossible. Its all a matter of how you train your eyes to look, and how you train your brain to think.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Warning Signs

I thought there was an earthquake today in class, but it turned out to just be the schools air conditioners rumbling my fears awake.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mooditional Syndrome

Dont you just love the feeling that everything’s going to be okay? That a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders, and that you can just be free again. That you’ll be happy, and the world won’t hate you for it. That you can be you, and you can love yourself. That the people who matter will stay with you. That you’ll be protected. That you can do whatever the fuck you want, and things are still going to be alright. That you can let go and just let it be. Let it be. Let everything be.

It’s a great feeling isnt it?

Well I have major lady time that could last me a lifetime. Which is weird cause I never used to be in this much pain before. I need some midol. Blog ya laterr. Lameass, shh.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

You probly dont care right now..

but I am currently watching Watership Down from my list of Culturally Significant Movies. I have a summer schedule for these 6 days of spring break WOOT! plus 500 packets of homework, but thats alright. I thought a thought for my blog today but I forgot what I remembered to write anyways.. So that is all. Good friday.

"Begin doing what you want now, we are not lying in eternity."
I feel like rereading all the lemony snicket books. Just gotta love that grim writing and cross hatch illustrations. Dont you?

Blackberry: Men have always hated us.
Holly: No. They just destroyed the warren because we were in their way.
Fiver: They'll never rest until they've spoiled the earth.