Tonight, we watched Cats live at the Candlelight Pavilion; a privately owned dinner theater we've been going to since my laced sock days (you can say it's kind of a family tradition). Watching these shows always inspire me to just be more "out there" and a better actor. But I have a problem between dreaming about something and actually doing it. You see, in my mind, I am this wonderful outgoing person with this spontaneous personality and dynamic character that I'm not afraid to show (kind of like the characters on stage). But all these thoughts of my dream self are filtered through my worries and judgmental fears from others that I end up becoming this introverted fart with low confidence. Well anyways, I drank my first full cup of coffee tonight watching the show and I couldn't stop feeling so jittery! Normally I don't drink coffee because one small sip overwhelms me with this massive headache, but I had to wake up. So now there's this weird feeling running through my blood stream. It's like that nervous shake you get before you go up on stage and can't keep still. My hands are sweaty, my mouth is dry, and I have to pee a lot. I probably won't be able to sleep well tonight..
ANYWAYS. Watching the show, my mind was moving a mile a second critiquing the music, the dances, make up, their acting and my acting. Even though I wasn't actually acting. I kept observing the actor's personalities, how they interacted with each other and how distinct they made every character. All the while, I was constantly thinking of ways I could improve my own character in our school's dinner theater: whether I could be as great as that character on stage or how I would play something out. Up till this point, being in advanced drama has shown me that I'm not that great of an actor/actress as any of the others in my class. I'm just a beginner. I keep struggling with vocal variety, voice clarity and projection. In my mind, my voice sounds loud and clear. But in real life, it's a jumbled mess that's quiet and incomprehensible. I'm struggling so hard trying to get my character right and I feel like everything I'm doing is wrong and not entertaining at all. Agh who knew acting was so difficult?? I wish I was as great as those cats on stage. I wish I could dumbfound audiences as great as they did. I have to say it was a pretty amazing show even though I hate cats. So yes, it was a good night. But I'm never drinking another cup of coffee again.