I tried finding new shoes today at Pasadena, but that sorta didnt work out. But I got a few new cookies! Woo. Alright, I was amazingly craving chocolate today sos Cam and I went off to Stator Bros to get some toaster strudel, Rollos & Sour Patch afterwards. We ended up making dinner at mah house watching the Sense & Sensibility movie we also got down at SB. So chilling at my house with the nice AC till Marquie calls and tells us were going to Ikea. FINALLY, so off to Ikea. Now that I think about it, their swedish meatballs look dam delicious. I had no idea why, but I was hit with this overwhelming feeling of euphoria on our way there. I started getting all hyped up and whatnot jumping around from couch to table there, I kept getting stink eyes from the workeres. Ha! I think it was the delicious Rollos.. But we all explored the huge place till Cam had to go set a toilet bomb, so us two got seperated from everyone. Hha, then cart racing tea cup rides all over Ikea later.
Afterwards, we all went back to my place to finish the rest of my healthy choice fudge bars to find that I apparently knew Yang Yang before I even knew him. Reading this post http://kaycyong.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html#2817073017184413247, I never knew that family was actually the family of Yangs. When we got to my house, Uncle Jeff saw Yang Yang and exploded with welcome explaining he came to our house before. It was confusing at first but then I remembered that time they DID come to eat dinner with us before. I thought about it and freaked out saying "THAT WAS YOU?!" I swear, This is some crazy DejaVu! Its like when I found out about Shawnas mom.. Yang was thinking about it and even remembered that he watched Aladdin and that I was wearing my happyface shirt that day. I didnt even realize it was him, he just seemed different in my memory. I guess we do meet some of the strangers we never believe would ever see again. That just goes to show how crazy and connected we all are. ha *These memories without you might as well not be anything but plain sad memories.
Why in the world are all the movies worth watching Rated R?
Well I cleaned my room last morning so that was an improvement. "God Kyra, youre rooms getting messier everyday, its like things dont matter to you anymore!" ..in a way, they dont. I actually got a lot finished last morning, night,whatever youd like to call it. Everyones leaving this summer, so much has happened in the last few days, but Im too exhausted to type it out (MadTV on the side) so Ill show it through pictures. I really need a camera.
Saturday 7/25: Cymones leaving forever August 4 for Arkansas =( So Lunch at Macaroni Grill, Target, then Puente for her goodbye getogether before the big day. After that, off to LA to watch Fiddler on the Roof with the family. It was pretty amazing, it was just like the movie since it was Topols last showing before his retirement. I still cant believe he was in the original movie and is still as amazing today 40 years later. We even got ochestra seats hella close to the stage for the best price too! I absolutely adore the musical feel. Except for the bathroom line that was 5 miles long during the intermission. Eh.
Sunday 7/26: This was our last DB practice before the actual competition next week. After 7 long days of practice, weve really improved. And Phillip isnt as sarcastic and unenthusiastic about our team winning this time. Finally. We worked on our start and whatnot the whole time and even had a practice race with another team and won! Hopefully, it will be like this for next week.
Afterwards, I met up with Sam and Camerene at Dolla Boba to go to chill at Shawnas trampoline. Shawna said it was fine that we use her trampoline even though shes all the way at fob central. I really need to work on climbing walls, but it was nice jumping around and stargazing late at night before it was time to go. I lost my phone in Sams car though so my parents thought I got raped and whatnot since I forgot to call them. Haaha
Monday 7/27: My dad called me this morning to hang out. It was random since he never does that and all of a sudden decided to spend a day with me for no apparent reason but just to catch up and bond. But it was nice, and I got some new things only for the reason that I think hes dissapointed in the fact that Im not the perfect daughter who doesnt dress "sloppy" and speaks our native language. Got home around 2 and Cam and Sam drove by to chill for awhile. Afterwards, met up with everyone else at VIP and even found a nice new roof to stargaze at! Around 6 we all went back for super and then Darrens house to get his lollipop condoms he got us from Taiwan. NOVELTY only! haha Darren set a stink bomb in Sams car getting all our things to smell like shit. T.T Hhaha Then drove to Maxs house to say goodbye since hes leaving California too. Like I said, EVERYONES leaving this year. We had to leave around 9:30 since his flight was at 12 so everyone else went back to Super while us three (Cam, Sam) went to three oaks to stargaze once more in the open field of the moonlit sky. There was talk about dismanteling the trampoline and moving it to the field. Could you believe that everything we know or remember, our whole lives are all just memories? They might as well all be lies. What you remembered minutes ago could have never happened. The people youve run into and been with you could have never met. All we are made of are the memories we have. Our lives are just a big collection of memories and what happens now, it makes you wonder if there really is a point to anything.
Today: For the first time since summer started, I woke up at 2. I think Ill take time away from everything today to relax at home. Or not.. Seeya. **Nothing seems to matter with you gone for so long, There is a hole in the world, that I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night.
was almost a fail. But it ended up actually pretty amazingly chill. I think the reason why I hate staying home is the loneliness. Theres something about staying home and doing nothing that makes you feel shitty and disconnected from the world. But then again, relaxing at home is nice once in awhile..
My parents have a thing against turning on the AC when it gets supa mofoing hot. I woke up to 80 degree weather this morning and couldnt fall back asleep. We baked another lasagna too but I say the first one we made for Bake Day was hella ass good, but this one was Aighhhte cause we had to do it Jeffs way.
Later on, Camerene texted me around 3 to meet up at Puente, so I got ready. Eh. Intense heat mixed with staying home with the parents for longass periods of time ruins my mood. So I guess thats part of the reason to why I sorta blew up on my mom today on our way to Puente. & I feel horrible. My mother gets so naggy about pointless crap sometimes, she just wont STFU. So I told her to, exact words. Then she got really quiet and I could tell I really hurt her. I dont hate my parents, theyre not even that bad, barely. So many other people have it worse than me. And I still have the nerve to complain. So when I got to Puente, I let it all out with all the cookies we decided to get and after a while, I felt better and calmed down. I thought about what I said to my mom and apologized to her on our way back home.
I love it when I come home to an empty house where I can just chill and do what I want. But I didnt feel like staying there this time so I dropped off my stuff and we chilled at Camerenes house for awhile till we met up with Sam. I went to get my PS2 to finish Sly Cooper (FUUN) and around 8 we left for Erics house. By then, I was in a somewhat infinite mood and even got this nice huge yellow balloon from the apartments that made my day. We stayed around Erics pretty late and it was for once really fun with James and the internet there. Bhah But before we knew it, time went by too fast and Sam said we had to go. Driving down Amar with the cool night air was a great way to the end of the day. When I got home, my mom greeted me at the door with a huge hug. I still feel bad for blowing up on her that morning, but Im glad she got over it. Im starting to love my summer, just a little.
Im hungry ahh Im feeling for some Dolla Stator Bros Choco Chip Cookies right now.. Seeya.
I hate it when you try to plan things for fun, and you think your plan is going to work out and everyone will be happy. But in the end, no one is satisfied and all youre left with is everyone elses bullshit. and no fun at all.
So I wrote this big long blog about how "very productive" my summers been going, despite the dead time, and then my internet crashed and now I have to start over and I want to go to bed =(
SOPHOMORE SCHEDULE: Classes? or Teacher Advice anyone? 1 Racquet Sports Acosta 2 Movie Making Yamishiro 3 Eng 2H Juarez Medina 4 Alg 2H Redcher 5 French 1 Deshan 6 Chem H Lim
Yess, This is basically the perfect schedule I wanted for next year. Except not getting into MU =( But then again, I heard Mr Y was a pretty chill teacher too. But Theres only one reason why Im looking forward to Sophmore year this time, and the reason is obvious.. Too bad its impossible.
No one really blogs on blogspot anymore do they? *Why is everyone leaving this summer? **I've kind of been neglecting this blog because of well.. because. & I wish I brought my ukulele today so I could play outside after school but that's okay. I like how the office gives out free food when you didnt eat breakfast that morning cause you were damm late for the last day of summer school and have no more money left. ***I miss my tree =(
I dont feel like staying home right now. Its too hot. Im down for a walk under the starless sky. Goodnight!
[00:43] kaycyong: Happy 4th [00:43] posh squirrels: I KNOW [00:43] posh squirrels: happy independence day to life, liberty, and the Major Fail of the pursuit of happiness.
I guess today was an improvement. All day long last night, I couldnt decide between whether I should go to the beach or a friends party. Blahblahlbha, I dont wanna retype everything. This is what summer does, I get lazy. So that sorta explains the lack of blogging, sorry. _________ [00:42] kaycyong: I wanna play and sing ukulele like this girl
[00:42] posh squirrels: why is she in a refrigerator? [00:43] kaycyong:.... Why IS she in a refreigerator? _________________ [18:59] posh squirrels: you ever get that feeling where you're all hyper and shit [18:59] kaycyong: YEAH [18:59] kaycyong: IM SO FREAKING HYPED [18:59] posh squirrels: and you're like so happy [18:59] posh squirrels: and like, hopeful [18:59] kaycyong: ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ [18:59] kaycyong: ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ [18:59] posh squirrels: DAMNNNNN I GET IT ALL THE TIME [19:00] posh squirrels: STFU [19:00] posh squirrels: goodness [19:00] posh squirrels: >< [19:00] kaycyong: I HAVE IT RIGHT NOW [19:00] posh squirrels: hahahaha [19:00] kaycyong: HEHEHEHEHEOHOHOHOHAHHAHA [19:00] kaycyong: ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ [19:00] kaycyong: ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ [19:00] kaycyong: ಠ_ಠ [19:00] kaycyong: ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ [19:00] kaycyong: ಠ_ಠ [19:00] posh squirrels: shut up!!! [19:02] posh squirrels: why are you always like this online lol ____________ [20:25] kaycyong: Its hella annoying [20:26] kaycyong: She cant take a freaking joke [20:25] posh squirrels: my mom was like [20:26] posh squirrels: "i always wondered who kyra's mother was, because taht child never wants to go home...AND IT TURNS OUT TO BE SUSAN, NO WONDER" [20:26] posh squirrels: no lie [20:26] posh squirrels: she said that [20:26] kaycyong: HAHHAHAHAHHA [20:26] kaycyong: HAHAHHAHA [20:26] kaycyong: HAHAHA
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet my mother. Apparently, Shawnas mom and my mom knew each other some 5 billion years ago when None of us could think. After 14 years, they meet yet again to only make me realize nothing more, but that I am not the only one whos starting to realize my mother is getting somewhat aggravating.. Small world Eh?
Ive gotten into a new phase. And thats right you guys, its the Ukulele! We were in art summer class the other day and Natalie comes in with the most beautiful thing next to ..ya know. And plays the most goregous song. I fell in love right away. So that was two days ago, yesterday and today Ive seriously been considering getting a Ukulele so Id be able to sarronate songs when were bored. AND FINALLY Ive got one =D Oscar Schimidt, youre gonna be my new best buddy for the next weeks till I learn on to play you right. (courtesy of Youtube)