We visited grandmas today. And since she lives in Old Pasadena, we went shopping around but it wasnt that great.I think it was the weather and the fact that we didnt get anything (maybe some cookies) but Im over that.. Buut we did get more red pockets to add to our stash. Yeeeahhh =) I forget that Chinese New Year goes on for like, 15 days. aha
ANNYways,I really want to redo everything. and yeah really, everything. I was just myspacing and saw the name Martin Pablo Robelli, and also heard some bomb music that got me to thinking that I really wanna fix up my room too. Im gonna move the furniture and everything, post up some picutres and whatnot. Its gonna be sleek nd sophisticated.. and not what it looks like now. I guess thats all for now. Seeya.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Clean Slate for the New Semester
Were supposed to write a(auto)biography for SRC. I hate it when teachers assign things like this because first of all, you cant actually know someone by reading a double spaced sheet on their supposed life. We can lie. Annd I have come to decide I dont know a lot about myself. Or atleast, not a lot Im willing to tell anyone new like a new SRC teacher who I dont even know yet. (we had a sub) Ahhh, this is gonna be hard..
But other then that, schools been pretty fun lately. You know what I mean =)
**Weathers still disgustingly dry. But clouds came up, only for awhile though. Have a nice day!
But other then that, schools been pretty fun lately. You know what I mean =)
**Weathers still disgustingly dry. But clouds came up, only for awhile though. Have a nice day!
Monday, January 19, 2009
So Long Fellas
My grandparents are leaving fora monthly vacation back to their asian homelands, so we had a goodbye dinner for them today at of course, Macaronni Grill. Usually when we go there, we always ask for this one person to serve us, shes pretty swell; she gives us extra bread rolls and all that good stuff. But today, she wasnt in, and the head baker quit..so the bread wasnt as good, and the service not as great...
Ahh, I wish I could just deal with my life, my money, my own things right now. But me being a "minor" and whatnot, they just wont let that happen. Today, I found out my dear mother took out about $800 of my own saved money from years of generous grandparents, luck, birthdays, and my dad. I dont know about you, but I got pretty pissed. Turns out, shes been doing this a lot lately and has been hiding her little secret from me for the past months. I ask her why, and of course..she blames my dad for not paying child support. LAMMME. I guess it was for good reason, but seriously? She could at least tell me.
Oh and ******** is one hell of a tard. I was passing around my pasta that I ordered cause I wasnt as hungry anymore. She was sitting next to me and when I passed my plate to my mom, I feel my hand get all wet. I thought it was because I brushed my hand against a cold drink or something..but after I wipe my hand and go back to eating, she gives me this really annoying smile and starts giggling and says "I licked your hand." WTF, okay youre a goddam senior, act your age you idiot. Seriously. So I give her this long stare and just go back to eating. Idk, I WAS in a good mood today, till that happened.
hahaha idk. Well, school starts tomorrow, I guess I should get ready to sleep.. or not. Have a nice night everyone.
Ahh, I wish I could just deal with my life, my money, my own things right now. But me being a "minor" and whatnot, they just wont let that happen. Today, I found out my dear mother took out about $800 of my own saved money from years of generous grandparents, luck, birthdays, and my dad. I dont know about you, but I got pretty pissed. Turns out, shes been doing this a lot lately and has been hiding her little secret from me for the past months. I ask her why, and of course..she blames my dad for not paying child support. LAMMME. I guess it was for good reason, but seriously? She could at least tell me.
Oh and ******** is one hell of a tard. I was passing around my pasta that I ordered cause I wasnt as hungry anymore. She was sitting next to me and when I passed my plate to my mom, I feel my hand get all wet. I thought it was because I brushed my hand against a cold drink or something..but after I wipe my hand and go back to eating, she gives me this really annoying smile and starts giggling and says "I licked your hand." WTF, okay youre a goddam senior, act your age you idiot. Seriously. So I give her this long stare and just go back to eating. Idk, I WAS in a good mood today, till that happened.
hahaha idk. Well, school starts tomorrow, I guess I should get ready to sleep.. or not. Have a nice night everyone.
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh and I also learned not to get paranoid by mafia looking people becuase they can actually be really nice. HA Today Im not sure what Im going to do but were gonna meet up at the park later, =). Seeya
*Ive got it, im starting to go through a stage of insomnia. Its not very fun, but alright then..
** This weathers been really disgusting lately, but not enough to bring me down l:D
Sorry bout today.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Its a little late for this video, but it was pretty amazing. Too bad Ellen Degenres was in it for like, half a second. HAHA but the free hugs man was in it, BORAT. So you guys, in less than hours, were gonna have a new president. Nothing like that last texan one, NAHHH. Im looking forward to it, lets look forward to a better change shall we? AND not budget cuts on the goddam school money.
So this morning, I made up this plan. TODAY IS NATIONAL SONG DAY. aha
RULES to National Song Day
-Pick one song out of the list of 5 and listen to it the WHOLE day.
-Listen to that song till you get sick of it, and just keep replaying it.
-Spread the music and introduce the song to anyone that doesnt know it.
-Sing to yourself, your mind, to anyone and think happy thoughts when you sing that song cause its that amazing that way.
** I wouldve posted up the songs, but I couldnt, so too bad.
1. Beatles -Good Morning
2. Moldy Peaches -Anyone Else But You
3. Katy Perry -Hot n' Cold
4. Hot Chip -The Warning
5. Living Legends -Moving at the Speed of Life
Jest so ya know, all these songs are stuck in my head. At once. Oh and if you dont like any of the songs here, youre not a very happy person then are you?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Kinda Sorta Hot Chip High btw
ONE DAY DOWN, one more to go. So you guys, finals. We had Bio and Geometry today, and I think it all turned out pretty swell. Maybe its cause I had the power of the "star" with me, aha, but it was all so easy. My mind was clear, and when I read the question, I just knew the answer like that... Even though I slept for basically 4 hours last night and started the day off with the mile run. (my ribs are still aching D:) When I got home, I got super hungry and now Im eating these really good $1pretzels we just got from stator bros cause Im lame.
We learned about labels today. TYPE OF LABEL: euro indie. Huh, thats funny.
So yeah, now Camerenes at my house banging on our piano so freaking loud. (not really) And my moms coming home with SUSHI, yeahh. And even though tomorrows another day of finals too, im really looking forward to it. =]
Bonne chance everyone on the new semester. Seeya!
We learned about labels today. TYPE OF LABEL: euro indie. Huh, thats funny.
So yeah, now Camerenes at my house banging on our piano so freaking loud. (not really) And my moms coming home with SUSHI, yeahh. And even though tomorrows another day of finals too, im really looking forward to it. =]
Bonne chance everyone on the new semester. Seeya!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Just so you know
today was a prettty special day.
Ahem, computers being lamee lately. I love how this happens when homework comes out through the internet. I try to study, but I know I wont, so I dont. allrightss
So I was listening to whole buncha Oldies today. Its like these songs timetraveled and came and wrote exactly how I felt about these things, its pretty crazy. Seeya.
Ahem, computers being lamee lately. I love how this happens when homework comes out through the internet. I try to study, but I know I wont, so I dont. allrightss
So I was listening to whole buncha Oldies today. Its like these songs timetraveled and came and wrote exactly how I felt about these things, its pretty crazy. Seeya.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
EHH BLEH wdshtbsfs?! I told myself I wasnt going to post a blog today (or go on at all) with all the finals coming up, studying, and these stupid projects... Yeah, that didnt turn too great. Im always distracted. Well, I dont procrastinate on purpose. I really have to stop. Im halfway finished with my homework and its 11:21, but whatever.. I have time.
Whats with all this homework crap that just came this week? This week was actually a really good week though, although boring as hell. Even though homeworks gone SKY HIGH in piling up my mountain of stress. But really, Ive managed to deal with it, especially with one certain hell of a friend. HAHAHA =)
Oh and ************ is a really big tard.
** I think I reallyreally want the Broadcast 2000 CD. haha
Whats with all this homework crap that just came this week? This week was actually a really good week though, although boring as hell. Even though homeworks gone SKY HIGH in piling up my mountain of stress. But really, Ive managed to deal with it, especially with one certain hell of a friend. HAHAHA =)
Oh and ************ is a really big tard.
** I think I reallyreally want the Broadcast 2000 CD. haha
HAPPY NATIONAL HAPPYHAPPY DAY EVERYONE! and no i did not make it up l:[ its just a national holiday that really exists.. starting today, now, and forever! As long as I dont run out of happyface stickers ahha.
Rules to NHHD
-Say HAPPYHAPPYDAY to everyone you know, see, touch, and encounter. (stranger or foe)
-Spread the happiness.
-Be happy, really, especially with all the crap coming up next week.
-SERIOUSLY, be happy.
-and dont let a single shitty thought pass your mind.
So yeah, Happy National Happyhappy day guys and spread the love.
Rules to NHHD
-Say HAPPYHAPPYDAY to everyone you know, see, touch, and encounter. (stranger or foe)
-Spread the happiness.
-Be happy, really, especially with all the crap coming up next week.
-SERIOUSLY, be happy.
-and dont let a single shitty thought pass your mind.
So yeah, Happy National Happyhappy day guys and spread the love.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Im starting to take those afternoon naps again. But theyre not as nice as youd think.. Yesterday, it wasnt a good day. I began having these mind blowing headaches, it really felt like my head was going to explode. I couldnt think straight, people would talk to me and the words would just go in one ear and leave out of the other. So I took a nap once I came home. And when I woke up, I felt even extra shitty. annd PLUS, I didnt even finish my homework. The weird thing was that, after I woke up, my mom told us we were going out to eat.(HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA) I felt really tired and mad at the world, but after awhile, like after a five mile run, I felt AMAZING. I felt awake. I felt alive. Energetic. I dont know what it was, but this keeps happening now after these naps. First it begins all bad, then it gets all better.. like school haha.
Today was confusing.. but Ive learned I shouldnt worry too much. I dont know why, but Tuesday block schedules are pretty fun =] This morning I told myself I was gonna be happy and I was, today was nice. ahha, everyone thinks Im weird cause Im the only one who actually like STADIUMS from PE.
So I found this really amazing new band, BROADCAST 2000. Annd i cant stop listening to them yeahhh..
Today was confusing.. but Ive learned I shouldnt worry too much. I dont know why, but Tuesday block schedules are pretty fun =] This morning I told myself I was gonna be happy and I was, today was nice. ahha, everyone thinks Im weird cause Im the only one who actually like STADIUMS from PE.
So I found this really amazing new band, BROADCAST 2000. Annd i cant stop listening to them yeahhh..
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Daily Dedications
1. When I dont smile, its not because I want a fight.
When I dont smile, it simply means Im not smiling
and so stop commenting the melancholy written on my face.
2. hahahhaha
ADFSKJE..I think im gonna catch up and start drawing again.
Ahh we just watched Mamma Mia. Mmm musicals are the best, but this wasnt that amazing. Seriously. This movie sucked, there should be some sorta lawsuit saying Pierce Brosnan can not, and should not sing. Or anyone else on the cast. But the ABBA classics are so catchy. Funfunfun.
MPHHH... Super Troopers stuck in my head now.
1. When I dont smile, its not because I want a fight.
When I dont smile, it simply means Im not smiling
and so stop commenting the melancholy written on my face.
2. hahahhaha
ADFSKJE..I think im gonna catch up and start drawing again.
Ahh we just watched Mamma Mia. Mmm musicals are the best, but this wasnt that amazing. Seriously. This movie sucked, there should be some sorta lawsuit saying Pierce Brosnan can not, and should not sing. Or anyone else on the cast. But the ABBA classics are so catchy. Funfunfun.
MPHHH... Super Troopers stuck in my head now.
Friday, January 2, 2009
I watched Marie Antoinette yesterday. It was more of a reveiw thing for me with the finals coming up. But it was nice, a little rushed, but it had some really relaxing piano music. Ive decided that I really want to get the Dustin O'Hallaran music sheet books, along with some french Yann Tiersen of course. The only problem is the price. Some are up to $50 dollars, others are like $12 but theyre only 3 songs. Jesus, ha, but its worth it. Once you hear some scores from these two, youd want to buy it yourself.
So thats one resolution, learn all the Halloran/ Tiersen piano songs. At least Opus 23 and 36. Next, Im trying to learn how to whistle. Its always bothered me that everyone around me can whistle their hums away while im stuck blowing air. How do they do it?
Well, those are just two ideas, annd then you should know the rest..
So thats one resolution, learn all the Halloran/ Tiersen piano songs. At least Opus 23 and 36. Next, Im trying to learn how to whistle. Its always bothered me that everyone around me can whistle their hums away while im stuck blowing air. How do they do it?
Well, those are just two ideas, annd then you should know the rest..
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