I wouldnt say I have it. But if you start to feel endlessly tired during the day and refuse to sleep so you could take 500 quizzes on Facebook when all the world is dead, Id think there would be something going on. Its amazing how these quizzes are taken with the only purpose to tell us more of who we are. Or remind us. But as for me, Im still finding myself.. How cliche.
You have been living for 15 years, 4 months, and 27 days.
Your age in months - 184 months
Your age in weeks - 804 weeks
Your age in days - 5629 days
Your age in hours - 135096 hours
Your age in minutes - 8105760 minutes
Your age in seconds - 486345600 seconds
You've seen 3 leap years. (Really? Its been that short? I thought Id live longer)
Zodiac Profile- TaurusIf you are Taurus:
You are an extremely gentle and caring lover. You are totally loyal in your relationships. You prefer to be in a serious relationship. You are a very understanding lover. You love to be pampered by your loved one. At times, you get very possessive about your partner. Your partner loves you for the intimacy and affection you show. You are a tender lover and do not show too much aggression. You tend to be open in your relationships. You do not hide things from your partner and expect the same in return. (Wowowow this is epically very correct)
Right BrainedRight brains are creative, emotional, intuitive, subjective, and non-verbal. You are a dreamer. (I AM a dreamer!)
You’re soul is gold, the colour of goodness, bravery and leadership. Gold souls are warm and friendly to anyone around them. They make anyone feel welcome and treat everyone as an equal. Their good deeds make them popular all around and many people go to them for help, advice, or even just a good chat. Gold souls will always put others before themselves.
However, gold souls will often neglect their own emotions as they so often act on what will make others happy.
Although you may want to please everyone all the time, stop and think of your actions. Does it make you happy or are you living with a terrible sadness while others around you walk away happy? Do something for yourself once in a while. Look out for number 1! (How did you know?)
Born on the 2ndYou are a very helpful person. You make friends easily. You tend to be very loving and caring in your relationships. You are very optimistic and confident about the things you do. This is a quality which will help you to get ahead of others in life. (Please, I read this all the time in my fortune cookie)
100% TaurusYou possess most of the qualities of Taurus. You are a true Taurean. (Sweet)
Since your birth 5629 days ago,
Your heart has beat more than 583614720 times.
Your heart has pumped more than 42611530 litres or 11258000 gallons of blood.
Your kidneys have filtered more than 956930 litres or 253305 gallons of blood.
You have breathed more than 121586400 times.
You have inhaled more than 58592261 litres or 61919000 quarts of air.
Your breathing has generated more than 5066.1 kg or 11168.65 pounds of Carbon dioxide.
You have blinked more than 75653760 times.
Your mouth has produced more than 5347.55 litres or 1407.25 gallons of saliva.
Your body has shed more than 10469.94 grams or 23.08 pounds of skin.
You have lost more than 562900 strands of hair.
If you hadn't taken single haircut, your hair would be more than 93.08 inches long today.
If you hadn't cut your fingernails a single time, they would be more than 18.5757 inches long today.
If you hadn't cut your toenails a single time, they would be more than 10.6951 inches long today. (Gross..)
Congratulations you got your luckiness percent for today and you are
17 percent lucky today! (come back tomorrow to see how lucky you are!) (Wtf why? Well it did feel less than 17%..)
How Awesome Will Tomorrow Be?Result: 88% (Awesome)
Okay thats it, Im bored again. Goodnight!